
Deborah L. Fruchey

Author, Editor, Publisher

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Deborah Fruchey tried to write her first book at the age of 8. Her first novel, The Unwilling Heiress, was chosen as a Best Book by the American Booksellers Association. She is the author of two poetry collections, two romantic comedies set in Regency England, one book of flash fiction stories, Priestess of Secrets, and one self help manual, Mental Illness Ain't for Sissies!  You can find all her work under "Books & Music." She has attended several colleges just for fun, never earning a degree, and has worked at everything from international banking to selling light bulbs over the phone.

Recently she has started editing and publishing other people's books, particularly poetry. You can see many of those under "Editing." She also produces a poetry website for her local area, Be sure to see "The Latest" for updates on Deborah's current projects.

Deborah is married to musician Robert Hamaker, with whom she produces meditation albums, and she also speaks for the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill as a result of her experience with Bipolar Disorder, coordinating their In Our Own Voice program for her local branch.


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Deborah: photo by Ronna Leon